February 27, 2012

Move of the Week for 3/5 – Hip Throw and Escape the Back

Amal Easton

Move of the Week for 3/5 – Hip Throw and Escape the Back

Move of the Week for 3/5 – Only two videos this week, but they’re both great ones! First up, Professor Easton demonstrates the Ippon Seonage, a basic hip throw that teaches good footwork. Professor Easton also demonstrates how to escape from someone who has your back.


Basic hip throw

As Professor Easton demonstrates, this is a simple 3 steps followed by a hop. Practicing that drill repeatedly will help you perform the moves with out thinking about it, and make your take down that much more fluid. Also notice how Professor Easton securely grabs his opponents collar to drag him forward. This will allow you to keep him moving forward and off balance when you go to throw him. Notice how Professor Easton doesn’t quite face away from the opponent entirely. you shouldn’t either. You’re trying to get your opponent over your hip, not shoulder.


Escape the back

Professor Easton demonstrates two methods of escaping. The first is the safe escape, and the other is the risky. the safe escape basically works itself. Make sure you keep the opponents hand locked until you go up, otherwise, a quick opponent is going to go for the mount. The risky escape is also pretty effective, although you end up in your opponents guard, rather than with side control. When you’re doing that one, recognize why Professor Easton lifts his head last. He is using every part of his body to pin his opponent. If your head starts coming up, the rest of your body will follow, which alleviates the pressure on your opponent.

Every week, we post our jiu jitsu technique videos that demonstrate the maneuver and skills you would learn while studying jiu jitsu at Easton BJJ. If you would like to learn jiu jitsu in Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Denver or any of our other locations, contact us today.




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