Muay Thai coach Sean Madden will be fighting in the World Kickboxing Association’s World Championship tournament in Spain this fall. The tournament will take place in the coastal city of Bernidorm from November 6th through 8th. Fighters from 120 countries will come together to compete for the title of World Champion in their respective weight classes. This event is at the top tier of competition for amateur kickboxing, and fighting at the international level is a significant accomplishment.
Winning this tournament will open the door to a host of new opportunities, and Sean is ready to perform his best and come home with a title. He’ll be fighting in two separate divisions: open class Glory Rules and Muay Thai Rules, both at 159 lbs. Sean is no stranger to the WKA world, having competed in the National Championship tourney in Virginia this March. At Nationals, he made it to the finals in both of his divisions. He ended up losing his final fights in both divisions to the same opponent–Adam Edgerton of Kentucky, a fighter who has over 40 amateur bouts under his belt, and won a WKA World Championship title in 2013.
As the tournament draws nearer, Sean will be attacking his training from all angles. Coach Tony Cummings has Sean’s training schedule regimented for the coming weeks, including regular sessions with the Easton fight team. (Learn more about Coach Tony and his fighter training here.) Sean will also be working with coach Eric Telly from Steadman Hawkins Sports Performance to improve his strength and conditioning, all while continuing to train with the Elevation Fight Team in Denver.
As an amateur fighter, Sean is responsible for covering all of his own travel expenses and tournament fees whenever he competes. If you’d like to support his WKA World Championship trip, please visit his GoFundMe page!