July 26, 2013

Reminder to Students: Good Hygiene = Good Training

Amal Easton

Reminder to Students: Good Hygiene = Good Training

Help keep Easton BJJ a safe and healthly place to train — follow these hygiene tips!

It can be an embarrassing topic and one of sensitive nature, but if you’re a student of Brazilian jiu jitsu, you need to know that good hygiene is important to the academy and the sport.

As we all know, BJJ is a close contact sport and as training partners, it is our responsibility to keep our fellow students safe and healthy.

Here are some good-hygiene tips that every student needs to implement in order to keep our academies clean and students healthy:

1) Clean your gi, rash guards and/or shorts after every training session. This not only keeps you smelling clean (your partner will thank you), but it also keeps pesky germs at bay.
2) Shower soon after you train.
3) Don’t train with open cuts or scratches unless they are properly covered.
4) We all get sick with common illnesses like the cold or flu — please avoid training until you are better.
5) Any skin issues need to be addressed immediately. Often times, minor issues like ring worm start out looking and feeling like a zit or a mosquito bite. If you notice anything suspect on your skin, please take it seriously and don’t train until it’s all cleared up or you have consulted a dermatologist.

7) If you do get ringworm or another infection, get medical attention immediately and avoid training until your doctor and professor says it is safe (usually about a week, depending on the severity).

8) If you think you might have ring worm, make sure you use Lamisil AT or a similar product. Some ointments say to use it for a month. Others are more expensive and say one or two weeks — it’s worth the couple of extra bucks to get the good stuff so you can get back to training in no time.
9) Every academy disinfects and cleans the mats and restrooms at least once a day. However, if you notice anything that needs some TLC, please talk with a professor, coach or staff member at the academy.

This should be a reminder for all of you. Remember, ringworm and other infections are rare, but they do happen so be proactive and keep an eye on your health. At Easton BJJ we pride ourselves on having a fun, safe and healthy environment for our students. Help us to implement these easy hygiene tips. If you are concerned about your health or safety at EBJJ, talk with your head professor.



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