October 23, 2012

Move of the week 10/22 Single Leg & Passing Guard

Amal Easton

Move of the week 10/22 Single Leg & Passing Guard

Fundamental Stand-Up: Single Leg Mid Level

You will notice a few similarities between the double leg of last week and the single leg take-down of this week. You still have to get past your partners defenses when attacking the legs. This involves a slight level change as you clear the arms. This week we are attacking the lead leg once we are there.To pick up the single you must un-weight your partners leg as you pick it up. This is done by driving them backwards with your shoulder. This technique, as all techniques, can be done with slowly and with complete control when done correctly.

Fundamentals Ground: Passing Guard from knee ( if time to focus on over the leg add half guard )

There are two basic ways to pass the guard; over the legs and under the legs. This week we are focusing on passing over one of the legs. The most common mistake beginners make in performing the move is to try and rush around the guard. You will note that the set up for this pass is exactly the same as the set up to pass under the leg on the other side. The bottom person is going to feel pressure to recover their guard if you set this up well. How they try to regain their guard is going to be a big factor in what side you pass to. You shouldn’t try to force the pass. Set it up well, and the bottom person will give you either the under the leg or over the leg pass. Set it up well and you should be able to pass slowly into a perfect side control.

Remember that one of the fundamental principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is to always improve your position or at the very least maintain it. Panic is the natural reaction when someone first gets your back. If you don’t keep a level head and try to intelligently improve your position, you risk getting submitted. The first thing we do when someone has our back is to position your arms in such a way that it makes attacking your neck difficult and predictable. As Professor Easton demonstrates in the video, the side you escape towards is dependent on which side, (right or left), attacks your neck from. You need to move away from the attacking arm and towards the arm you have trapped. Your partner is a valuable resource in determining which side is which. You can always ask the instructor, but it will assist your learning if you and your partner can play with the concept. If you move into the choking arm, (and the person on back is choking correctly), the choke gets tighter. If you mover away from the choking arm you will feel the choke loosen. The next thing we are trying to do is to replace your partners position with the floor. If your back is on the mat, your partner can not be there. This is accomplished by driving with the legs, and trying to put both shoulders on the mat. If you put the time in to practice both of these skills you will not panic when someone gets your back, but confidently begin escaping instead.

Every week Professor Amal Easton and staff provide students and visitors with a brief overview through video outlining what will be demonstrated and expected to work through for the week.

