BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | Kids
1.20.2020 – 1.26.2020
- Single Leg Low Level
- Closed Guard Top
- Passing Guard (Under)
- Drills: Push/pull stance drill, russian drill, arm drag drill, takedown, De la Riva to anaconda guard to 1 leg X-guard sweep
- Takedown: Walking Renzo Hip Throw
- Ground: Knee to Elbow Escape
Kickboxing – Teeps/Push Kicks
This week in kickboxing, we will focus on using the teep, which translates to “foot jab” in Thai. The teep is a versatile weapon that can be used for range finding, disruption, off-balance your opponent, or setting up another attack. We will look at the mechanics of this kick then explore the different uses of the teep!
Muay Thai – Clinch – Practical Application
This week in Muay Thai, we will be spending a lot of time doing live clinch rounds and applying what we learned last week in class! The more time spent in the clinch, the more comfortable you will be there. We will focus on applying concepts and scoring from the inside, just like we do with strikes from the outside. Bring an extra shirt or a towel to class! Fighters to Study: Petchboonchhu FA Group, Chamuekpet Hapalang, Langsuan Panyuthapum
Kids – Manners
Little Tigers
- BJJ – Mount Escapes
- Knee to Elbow
Tigers – White Belt
- Standing – Side Clinch
- Ground – Headlock Escapes
- Pummels Escape
Tigers – Advanced
- Standing – Guard Pull to Hook Sweep
- Ground – Knee on Belly
- Switching sides
Thoughts – “Don’t put off for tomorrow what can be done today”