April 23, 2010

Professor Sims Tweets Updates From Coach Toner’s WEC Debut!!!

Amal Easton

Professor Sims Tweets Updates From Coach Toner’s WEC Debut!!!

Keep up to date with Coach Toner as he prepares for battle this Saturday!!

Professor Sims Tweets Updates From Coach Toner’s WEC Debut!!!

Get the updates as they occur by following Professor Chaun Sims’ twitter (chaunsims).  As you know, this card is loaded with who many consider to be the most entertaining fighter out there, Aldo.  Not to mention the rematch between Cerrone and Henderson.  Tyler will be looking to make a statement on Saturday night’s card to let the rest of the world know what we at Easton already know…he is a force to be reckoned with!!


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Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21