February 28, 2011

Supplementing Your Diet to Improve Performance in Denver

Amal Easton

Supplementing Your Diet to Improve Performance in Denver

Jiu Jitsu Training in DenverSupplements are used by a wide cross-section of the fitness community. Depending upon your fitness goals, supplements are beneficial. It’s highly recommended, when possible, that individuals try and consume as many of these compounds through the diet. Whether they’re taken to increase muscle; reduce weight; or, improve sporting performance, supplements do have a place in enhancing the diet.

Types of Supplements

  • Protein. Powders are a commonly used supplement. They can be based upon such products as whey, egg and soy. They’re often mixed with milk and other additives, such as fruit. Depending upon your fitness goals, protein powders can be used as a meal or taken in line with training sessions. Their main objective is to assist the development and restoration of muscle following training.
  • Vitamins. Are used to replace what has been lost during exercise. They’re mostly consumed as a multivitamin. Often used to replace deficiencies, multivitamins can be helpful. Experts suggest, however, that we try and gain all our vitamin needs through our diet where possible. In most cases, the oversupply of vitamins will be expelled by the body.
  • Creatine. This is another supplement you commonly hear referred to in fitness circles. It has been proven to help those who are involved in repetitive and short bursts of activity. There’s still a lot not known about creatine. However, it can be used for those wishing to increase lean body mass via resistance training; sprint training; and, some types of sports that have sporadic activity levels (such as basketball).

Apart from supplements, you should always place higher value on the benefits of a good diet, proper training techniques and the correct levels of rest. There’s no doubt that certain supplements can be used to enhance Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kick Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and even general fitness training and performance. Although not essential, many athletes do supplement their diets with these compounds and may help your training at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Denver.

