June 20, 2010

Special Guest Leads Morning Training In Denver!!

Amal Easton

Special Guest Leads Morning Training In Denver!!

Up and coming Jiu-Jitsu phenom Luiz “Dentinho” leads a.m. training in Denver.

Up and coming Jiu-Jitsu phenom Luiz “Dentinho” leads a.m. training in Denver on Mon-Thurs, June 21-24 at 7 a.m.  EBJJ has always prided itself on finding the superstars before they become superstars and bringing them here to help raise the level of BJJ here at our academy.  This rising star is here now, so don’t wait until he’s famous and wish you had been there…set your alarm, drink some coffee, and head over to Denver for what is sure to be some stellar training.  Technique drilling followed by live rolling is the usual format.  See you there!!!



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Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21