August 1, 2010

In-house Tournament next Saturday in Boulder!

Amal Easton

In-house Tournament next Saturday in Boulder!

Show your competive side and get ready for your next tournament by participating in EBJJ’s in-house tournament on Saturday, Aug. 7Easton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is hosting an in house tournament at noon on Saturday, August 7 at the Boulder academy. The tournament is for white belts (3rd & 4th stripe only) and blue belts. We also are looking for a couple of purple or brown belts who are willing to do a super fight. The goal is to give EBJJ students the chance to get solid competition experience. You can enroll for the tournament and seminar online or by visiting the front desk at your home academy.

After the tournament, our Brazilian black belt guests Pimenta and Dentinho, are teaching a seminar. These guys are great friends of EBJJ and have brought the latest and greatest tips and tricks straight from Rio. The cost for Seminar/Competition is $25 (this is for both, not one or the other). They leave on the August 9, so show your appreciation by attending this event.

