February 13, 2023

Transformation Amid Community: A BJJ Belt Promotion Recap

Tatyana Grechina

Transformation Amid Community: A BJJ Belt Promotion Recap

On January 21, 2023, over 200 people converged at Easton Denver to meet on the mats and train before the Easton Winter BJJ Promotion Ceremony.

More than 100 belts were awarded to Easton students who devote their mind, body, and energy to training every week. Of those students, six became professors themselves with the achievement of their black belts.

Watch the recap of our Winter 2023 BJJ Belt Promotion on YouTube!

Traditionally, each new Black Belt gives a speech after receiving their belt. One newly-minted professor shared some wise and heartfelt words about the process of self-transformation through Jiu Jitsu and particularly the process of self transformation within communal transformation.

While everyone’s journey is unique, it wouldn’t be possible without the team — the larger-than-one-person collective that drives us to be our best selves and keep coming back to sharpen our skills. Growth happens incrementally, and these promotions are markers that exemplify small milestones along the way to a much greater life-long practice.

The shedding of one’s white belt is a big first step, but it’s just the beginning.

No matter how long it takes, as long as we do a little bit each day, then we’re on the right path. It’s when we stop striving towards our goals that we stagnate. 


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