December 14, 2009

Holiday Fund Raiser THIS Sunday!!!

Amal Easton

Holiday Fund Raiser THIS Sunday!!!

Come in this Sunday for holiday fun, cheer and lend a helping hand!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Holiday Party

December 20th from 9am-12n.

Drop off your kids for games, snacks, and

a special community service project!

Creating “Survival” Stockings

for the Boulder Homeless Shelter

This event is FREE for kids of all ages

Invite your friends and neighbors

Please bring a donation of-

One or more pairs of warm SOCKS

Plus one of the following items to “stuff” into the sock…

Hand and toe warmers

Small candy bars, power bars or granola bars

Cough drops

Mittens or gloves

Chap sticks

Small hand lotions

Soaps and Shampoos

Hair combs

Small Kleenex

Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste

Candy Canes

The Sheriff’s department will be on hand to ID tag kids, and we will have face painting and balloon animals!!!

Please call Tony @ 303 938 1275

or email Mary –



Ready to test your skills?

Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21