What’s New at the Denver Academy
By now, just about everybody has heard of the Enrichment Program, but if you are one of the few who has not: here comes version 2.0! The Denver Academy is proud to announce that the Fall Rotation of the program will begin the first week of October, but with some minor changes.
First, the classes will be 25% smaller than Module 1, which means even more personalized instruction and more attention from coaches. There will be some new coaches in this cycle, as well. The biggest change will be the “Buy-In.” There will be a $100 deposit for this Enrichment Program module. Here’s how it works: at the beginning of the program, each student will put down $100, but for every class attended, the student will get back $8.33 which will be applied to their next month’s tuition. So, any Enrichment Program participant who makes it to every class still gets to participate in the program for free!
There are still slots available. If you are interested, stop by the front desk and ask about signing up!

Easton In-House Tournament
It’s back! Time for another Easton In-House Tournament and this one will be the best one yet!
October 5th and 6th, competitors from all locations will come together at the Denver training center for inter-academy competition, food, and fun. Kids divisions will be on Saturday the 5th and adults will have at it on Sunday the 6th.
Cost will be $40 per division and will include an event T-shirt and medals for 1st through 3rd place. Sign up here https://smoothcomp.com/en/event/2524.
This is a chance for new competitors to get their tournament feet wet in a lively and friendly environment without the pressure of crowds in bleachers and unfamiliar adversaries! If you have thought about competing but felt too nervous to take the plunge-this is the tournament for you!
If you have ever wanted to get more involved in the Easton community, this could also be an opportunity for you! Professor Jeff Ake of the Arvada Academy needs volunteers. He will need help with set-up, break-down, table workers, score-keepers, referees (purple belt and up), and more. You can contact him at jeff@eastontc.com or sign up here or sign up directly here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ad7Zu8VE-lhxVocVj1MA6d0sMuHp4aQJa4TQL0zztvY/edit?usp=sharing.

Instructor Highlight: Ian Leiberman
Height: 6’2″ Weight: 170 lbs Age: 37
Years training: Almost 14 years
Current rank: Black Belt first degree
Promoted to black belt: August of 2014
Where can we find you on the schedule? I teach the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Advanced Gi classes in Denver
What do you love about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? In the short term, I love watching people’s satisfaction as they work through problems and solve them. In the long-term, I love watching people become better versions of themselves in almost every way through BJJ.Â
What are your personal goals in Jiu Jitsu? At this point, my main goal is to continue learning and growing as both a practitioner and an instructor. I want to always stay relevant so I can share cutting edge material with our students, and I want to help spread jiu-jitsu to as many people as I can.Â
Professors Marshall and Combs Represent!
Guys, if you see Professor Eliot Marshall or Professor John Combs, be sure to congratulate them on their exciting opportunity to represent Easton Training Centers at ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club). This year’s event will take place in Anaheim, CA and will include some of the biggest names in the sport.
This is arguably the most prestigious competition in all of modern Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Former champs include such jiu jitsu luminaries as Renzo Gracie, Rafa Mendes, Andre Galvao, Braulio Estima, Damian Maia, and many more.
We are confident that our Easton Champions can bring back some hardware. The competition takes place on September 28th and 29th. You can watch it live on flograppling.com.
Nutrition Tip of the Month: EFAs
We’re talking Essential Fatty Acids. The term “essential” in nutrition usually means that it is something that our bodies need but cannot manufacture out of recycled materials. It is “essential” that we get them from our diets.
The term “EFAs” primarily refers to the poly-unsaturated fatty acids known as Omega-3s and Omega-6s (though there are others). The most important of these are the Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. These are some of the most important fats in the body. They make up vital internal structures such as cell membranes, nerve cell components, and brain matter! Without them, we would not survive.
Human beings are believed to need within their bodies a ratio of Omega-6 (pro-inflammatory) to Omega-3 (anti-inflammatory) of somewhere between 1:1 and 4:1. Americans have been found to have ratios as high as 25:1 in favor of pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fats! This is a primary driver of inflammation in western populations. Bringing this ratio back to normal, natural balance will help to reduce inflammation, improve cardio-vascular health, and shorten recovery time from hard physical exertion.
Where can we get Omega-3 fatty acids? Well for one thing, not matter what that bottle of toxic canola oil tells you, no plants (not even delicious walnuts) can produce a usable form of Omega-3 fatty acids for humans. They must come from animals (there are some alga-based DHA sources, but no EPA). So, grass-fed and wild meats and organs, pasture-raised eggs, grass-fed butter, and cold-water fish are going to be the best sources.
As with many vital nutrients that are getting harder to come by in our modern food supply, Omega-3s are in short supply in the western diet. That’s why it is advisable for many of us to take a high-quality EPA/DHA fish oil supplement.
I take at least 1,200 mg/day and as much as 2,400 mg on hard training days!