January 13, 2020

Easton Arvada January 2020 Newsletter

Caroline O'Connell

Easton Arvada January 2020 Newsletter

Member of the Month: Travis Boughan

At the beginning of September, Travis Baughan bought a Groupon for a month of kickboxing at Easton Arvada. He wanted to get back in shape and thought that kickboxing would be an engaging way to drop a few pounds. Since September, Travis has taken 100 classes and has received his orange shirt in Muay Thai. He has also lost weight, which was his initial goal. His advice for new students is: “Push yourself to go to the gym. If you don’t see improvement: keep training and trust me you will.” Read the full article to find out more about Travis!

Coach Bailey Winters’ Fight

What are you doing Friday, January 24th at 7 pm? We will be at Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Golden, Colorado watching Coach Bailey Winters fight! Purchase GA tickets at the front desk for $35. Or contact Bailey directly for closer seats! (Row 3-5 = $45, Row 1 = $75, VIP table= $100). All striking classes will be canceled that night to encourage our community to support Coach Bailey.

Kickboxing Enrichment Program

ETC Arvada will be holding its first session of the Easton Enrichment program for Kickboxing and Muay Thai students. Classes will begin on February 1st. There will be two different groups in the program based upon a student’s shirt rank. The first group will be for White and Yellow Shirt students.  Each session will be a deep dive into the Muay Thai curriculum and building confidence in pad holding. The class will be limited to 6 students and will meet for 8 weeks on Saturday at 1:30 pm. The second group will be for Orange and Green Shirt students. Each session will focus on advanced pad holding and the introduction of sparring into training. The class will be limited to 4 students and will meet for 8 weeks on Sunday at 10:00 am. A $100 deposit is required for the program. For each session a student attends, a relative portion of that deposit will be credited back to their account. Credit can only be applied to future monthly membership payments. If a student attends all 8 enrichment classes, they will have the full amount credited back to their account to be applied to future monthly payments. Interested students can sign up at the front desk on a first-come, first-served basis. Any questions can be directed to arvada@eastontc.com.

Pad Holding Seminar

Join us on Saturday, February 22nd from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, for our winter Pad Holding Seminar! This is open to all Easton Members from any academy and of any rank! The purpose of this seminar is to teach students how to correctly hold pads in Muay Thai. It doesn’t matter if you are a blue shirt or a white shirt, this seminar will be helpful to you. Coach Patti, Coach Mike, and Coach Chris will be leading this seminar. Tickets are $25 and you can register for the seminar online.

Fight2Win Tournament of Champions

The biggest party in grappling is returning on February 22nd! Fight 2 Win is hosting a “Tournament of Champions!” This is a great opportunity to test your Jiu Jitsu skills! Competition is super fun and engaging. Every time you compete you will learn something about yourself and your Jiu Jitsu game. Sign up online today!


Ready to test your skills?

Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21