June 11, 2012

Move of the Week for 6/11 – Single Leg and Passing Guard

Amal Easton

Move of the Week for 6/11 – Single Leg and Passing Guard

Move of the Week for 6/11/12 – This week, Professor Easton reviews a few moves and demonstrates some killer technique for both stand-up and ground!


Stand-up: Single Leg

The single leg mid level is one of the most basic takedowns, and set’s good fundamentals to build on. As Professor Easton demonstrates, it’s important to pay attention to your grip. There’s not much more embarrassing than getting your opponent’s leg and they simply break your grip. It might be somewhat confusing trying to pull up with your arms, down with your shoulder and up with your head all at the same time, but with a little practice, it will become second nature.

Ground: Passing Guard (Focus Over) + Half-Guard

Passing the guard from the knees is a pretty practical and effective way to pass guard. At the beginning of the pass, it’s important to control your opponents hips to avoid the armbar. Once you have your opponents leg up and his knee pinned, you’re at a fork. You can either move to the side where his leg is up, or if he blocks you, switch to the other side. It’s going to be difficult for your opponent to stop you both ways.


Stand-up: Single Legs Dump and Outside Trip

See Fundamental’s Stand-up video above.

Ground: Collar Chokes, Armbar + No-gi Turtle

One of the first thing Professor Easton shows us in this video is a great drill for learning to maintain back control by rolling with a partner. Learning when to post and where will help you a lot with staying on someone’s back.There are two attacks here; the armbar or a choke. While practicing this technique, be careful with your partner. You don’t want anyone getting hurt. Professor Easton makes several good points in this video, and is well worth watching a few times to pick it all up.

Every week, we post our jiu jitsu technique videos that demonstrate the maneuver and skills you would learn while studying jiu jitsu at Easton BJJ. If you would like to learn jiu jitsu in Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Denver or any of our other locations, contact us today.



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