BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Kids
12.8.2014 – 12.14.2014
Fundamentals – Closed Guard
- Double Leg Takedown – The power move of a wrestler’s repotoire, the Double Leg can get any opponent to the mat.
- Front Choke Series – The Front Choke is the first thing you learn in BJJ, but it stays with you till the end. This choke teaches all the fundamentals behind why and how chokes work, and sets your Guard game up for success.
Intermediate – Guard Passing
- Mid Level Double Leg – You don’t always have to go to the mat to get a double leg. This week we’ll study how to be a little more efficient when our partner is standing tall.
- Over and Under Pass – These two passes set up the rest of your passing game.
Kickboxing – Elbows
Elbows are a powerful short-range weapon designed to cut your opponent. Although elbows are not allowed in the actual sport of kickboxing, they are allowed in Muay Thai, so you learn the basics of them here as a gate way into the Muay Thai classes. There are 3 types of elbow strikes we will focus on: horizontal elbows, downward elbows, and uppercut elbows. Try to avoid smashing with your forearm and focus on grazing with the tip of your elbow across the target!
Fitness Challenge: Push Ups and Lunges
Muay Thai – Defense and Counters
The goal this week is to create combinations, scenarios and drills that simulate exchanges in a Muay Thai fight. Most often, the scenario is: offensive attack, defense, then a counter. We will focus on proper defense this week so we can put ourselves in the right position to counter back and win the exchange. The other goal is to make these counter attacks an automated response, so when the scenario arises in sparring or competition, it is already
Programmed in without having to pause and think what comes next!
Kids – Good Manners
This week we’ll be talking about how to introduce yourself to a new friend, making the best first impression possible.
- Little Tigers – This week we’ll study how to properly take our partner’s back, as well as review how to throw the Jab and the Cross.
- Tigers – This week we’ll be looking at a sequence starting on our feet, and taking us all the way to our partner’s back.
- Advanced Tigers – Lots of review this week, looking at some of the smaller details and how to integrate the new moves we learned into our game.
Muay Thai
This week we’ll focus on matching the timing of our hands with our footwork, allowing us to deliver the most power possible in every punch.
- The In-House Muay Thai Smoker is coming up, so be sure to let your instructor know ASAP if you have an interest in getting out there. These are a great opportunity to get some fight experience in a safe, cool environment ran by the instructors you know and trust. Even if you will not be competing, drop in and watch our ETC warriors show what they can do! December 20th is the date!
- ETC Littleton/Highlands Ranch will be relocating and becoming ETC Centennial! Our first classes in the new location will be on December 15th! Keep an ear out for the grand opening date and drop in and check it out! Hope to see you all there.
Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn’t change things. All it does is steal your joy and keep you busy doing nothing. Don’t let worry rob you of your life’s greatest resource…your time!