November 17, 2014

Focus of the Week ( 11/17/2014 )

Brian Carlsen

Focus of the Week ( 11/17/2014 )

BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Kids

11.17.2014 – 11.23.2014


Fundamentals – Guillotine Sequence

  • Standing Guillotine – This week we’ll learn how to properly finish a Guillotine choke from standing.
  • Fan Sweep Sequence – No matter what your partner does, if they’re closing one door they’re opening another. So, What do you do if you can’t break your partner’s posture? use their posture against them!

Intermediate – Back Escapes

  • Single Leg Takedown – We’ll continue studying the nuances of the Single Leg this week, starting to work on some transitions and variations.
  • Back Escapes – You should have seen the basic Safe and Risky side escapes form back by now, so this week we’ll review, refine, and maybe add in a few extras to really help you out of a tight spot.

Kickboxing – Round Kicks

The round kick is the most important strike to learn in kickboxing and Muay Thai. The motion of the round kick is the same motion as swinging a baseball bat, except our shin is the bat! You must use your whole body to generate power in the round kick, the only relaxed part of the body is the kicking leg! Get your shins ready for a lot of kicks this week!

Fitness Challenge: 150 Squats

Muay Thai – Teep Kick

The push kicks and teeps are long range weapons designed to maintain distance or off-balance your opponent. This week we focus on using the “teep” to keep space (foot jab), and using the push kick to set up other strikes. We will also look at push kick defense and counters to avoided getting stuck at the end of a good push kick.

Kids – Good Habits

This week we’ll be discussing what responsibility is, how you earn, and when you need to admit you were wrong.


  • Little Tigers – We’ll be working on our stand-up game this week. Practicing how to take an opponent down as well as to punch and kick, all work together with our Jiu Jitsu to form a complete system of self-defense.
  • Tigers – We’ll b studying mount escapes this week, learning how to get out of one of the most dangerous self-defense situations.
  • Advanced Tigers – This week we’ll be focusing on Pulling guard form standing, and attacking right away.

Muay Thai

This week we’ll be working on combining our footwork with our punches. This takes a lot of focus and discipline, but will make your Muay Thai game extremely powerful.


  • Congrats to all of the ETC fighters and competitors that put it on the line this past weekend! There were ETC fighters all over the map putting in work and representing us well! There is definitely some shiny hardware coming back to Colorado and to your training center. Make sure and congratulate our warriors, win or lose, because they always show up and conduct themselves like professionals!
  • ETC Littleton/Highlands Ranch will be relocating and becoming ETC Centennial! Keep your eyes and ears open to find out exactly when we’ll be in the new space! Big things coming!!
  • The 2014 Easton Muay Thai Christmas Classic Smoker is coming up soon! Ask your instructor permission first, then sign up at the front desk if you are interested in participating. There is a $10 registration fee.


Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire, and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame, and complain.



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