January 8, 2018

Focus of the Week (1/8/18)

Sachi Ainge

Focus of the Week (1/8/18)

BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Kids

Martial Arts Technique Curriculum

Week of 1.8.2018 – 1.14.2018


Fundamentals – undefined

  • Grip Strips – One of the most important aspects of training in the kimono is grip fighting. In order for an opponent or attacker to effectively pin you or throw you, they must first obtain some sort of grips. If we spend the appropriate amount of time learning this part of the game, it should be extremely difficult for someone to mount an attack against you or throw you with any amount of confidence.
  • Armbar from Closed Guard – The armbar is one of the most traditional types of locks utilized in grappling, a lock that works by hyperextending the elbow joint. This week we will focus on attacking the armbar from the closed guard.


  • Drills: Side-clinch takedown, frame escape, anaconda guard sweep, bull-fighter pass
  • Takedown: Side clinch
  • Ground: Omoplata from the closed guard

Remember, all intermediate classes start with a hard drilling session. Please watch the video below for a detailed look at these drills. On the ground, we are learning how to attack from the bottom of closed guard using the Soneca style omoplata.



  • Drills: Sleeve and collar grips to anaconda guard pull, transition to X-guard, X-guard sweep to bullfighter pass, smash pass, kneeslice pass or longstep pass to side control.
  • Ground: Attacking side control

Remember, all advanced classes start with a hard 25 minute drilling session. There are no videos yet, so please do your research before teaching class. Everyone teaching advanced curriculum should be familiar with these movements. On the ground, we are studying how to attack the top of side control using the basic kimura and the kimura trap. Make sure there is at least 45 minutes of training in every advanced class.

Kickboxing – Teeps/Push Kicks

This week in kickboxing, we will focus on using the teep, which translates to “foot jab” in Thai. The teep is a versatile weapon that can be used for range finding, disruption, off-balance your opponent, or setting up another attack. We will look at the mechanics of this kick then explore the different uses of the teep!

Muay Thai – Clinch Work

This week we will focus on “Zone 1” attacks and clinch work. As we all know, clinch and grappling on the inside is an entirely separate game from punching and kicking at longer range. We will go over the fundamentals of clinch and positioning, as well as the basic offense, defense, and throws from the clinch. Don’t forget to take off your jewelry and take out your piercings before class this week. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to bring a towel to dry off, or a spare ranked shirt with you to class!


Don’t Put off Until Tomorrow What We Can Do Today

I’m obviously preaching to the choir because clearly all of you are here bettering yourselves, and aren’t home sitting on the couch watching TV like a large majority of people. Still, I think it is incredibly important to hear from time to time the importance of initiative, and not putting the things off for tomorrow that could be done today. This is why I have never believed in New Year’s resolutions. If something is important enough that it is on our list of things to do, then waiting for an arbitrary date to begin is a disservice to ourselves. At some point, all of you made a decision to put your health and fitness on that list, and I am proud of all of you for getting in here and working hard. Pat yourself on the back for having the courage and gumption to get in here and work out today, instead of waiting for tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is not a luxury that anyone is promised…So today is what we have.



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