May 29, 2018

Focus of the Week (5/28/18)

Sachi Ainge

Focus of the Week (5/28/18)

BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Kids

Martial Arts Curriculum

6.4.2018 – 6.10.2018

woman round kicks a heavy bag


Fundamentals – undefined

  • Dragging Rear Naked Choke – The dragging rear naked choke is a perfect way to subdue a potentially dangerous opponent from behind. We will be practicing how to take our partner down and secure the choke, making sure to keep ourselves safe in the process.
  • Maintaining and Attacking the Back – The back is one of the most dominant positions in BJJ. It is imperative that we first learn to maintain and control the back position before moving on to attacking a series of submissions.


  • Drills: Guard pull to anaconda guard sweep, smash pass to mount, knee slide to side control, side control to mount
  • Takedown: Guard Pull
  • Ground: Attacking the Mount



  • Drills:
  • Ground:

Remember, all intermediate classes start with a hard drilling session. Guard pull to anaconda guard sweep, smash pass to mount, knee slide to side control, side control to mount. Please watch the video below for a detailed look at these drills. On the ground, we are studying how break the closed guard and pass.

Kickboxing – Round Kicks

This week in Kickboxing, we focus on the most important and strongest strike in our arsenal: the round kick. This kick is widely regarded in combat sports as one of the most powerful and devastating strikes due to the sheer force and speed with which they can be thrown. Mechanics to develop a strong round kick are essential. We will focus on using our entire body and swinging our shin like a baseball bat in order to generate maximum force. The rear round kick, the lead leg switch kick, and learning how to throw these kicks for speed and balance will be the focus!

Muay Thai – Clinch (PLUM)

This week we will focus on “Zone 1” attacks and clinch work. As we all know, clinch and grappling on the inside is an entirely separate game from punching and kicking at longer range. We will go over the fundamentals of clinch and positioning, as well as the basic offense, defense, and throws from the clinch. Don’t forget to take off your jewelry and take our your piercings before class this week. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to bring a towel to dry off or a spare ranked shirt with you to class!


  • Upcoming Easton BBQ Fundraiser – Join us for our biggest event of the year on Saturday June 23rd. Help us raise money for Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Rehabilitation Program. Please buy your tickets TODAY so we can estimate attendance!


Running and Reading: The Keys to Life

Whether you like Will Smith’s movies or not, he is a prime example of someone who dreams big, tolerates failure, and strives for greatness in everything he does. He once said that the keys to life are running and reading. When you’re running and you have that voice in your head that tells you it’s ok to quit. Your lungs hurt, your legs burn, and you think about how nice it would be to just give up….but you don’t. Once you learn to not listen to that voice when you’re running and working out, you will be able to apply that to other aspects of your life. Because not quitting is the key to achieving. Reading is important because any problem that you could ever encounter has already been dealt with by someone else, and documented. Be resourceful when answers are elusive. If you look hard enough, you can probably find it in a book. Learn from those before you. So even if you didn’t like The Fresh Prince, keep running and reading.




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Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21