BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Kids
Martial Arts Curriculum Week of 4.9.2018 – 4.15.2018
Fundamentals – undefined
- Standing Headlock and Punch Defense – Understanding how to defend the headlock is key for self-defense. This week we will look at how to defend the standing headlock by tripping our opponent to the rear and transitioning to an armbar.
- Control Top of Headlock and Finish Armbar – In order to properly defend ourselves, we must understand how to defend the headlock not only from standing, but also on the ground. This week we will look at a few escapes from the bottom of the headlock position, and finish by transitioning to an armbar.
- Drills: Push/pull stance drill, russian drill, arm drag drill, post drill, and De la Riva to anaconda guard to 1 leg X-guard sweep
- Takedown: Punch defense to side clinch
- Ground: Armbar and triangle from the closed guard
Remember, all intermediate classes start with a hard drilling session. This week focus on setting up the russian tie, the push/pull wrestling stance drill, the arm drag drill, defending punches with the side clinch, and transitioning from DLR to anaconda guard to 1 leg X-guard. Please watch the video below for a detailed look at these drills. On the ground, we are studying how to attack the technical armbar from the closed guard, and then how to transistion to the triangle choke when our partner pulls their arm out of the armbar. Finish class with positional training from the closed guard.
Kickboxing – Knees
This week in Kickboxing, we focus on a dangerous mid-range and short-range weapon: the knee. We will look at the mechanics and usage of the straight knee and the angled knee, as well as the skip knee and the barn door knee from the inside position in the “clinch.”
Muay Thai – Teep Defense and Counters
Last week we focused on the mechanics of our teeps and push kicks, this week we will look at the different ways to defend and counter them. Like all kicks, there are a number of defenses, which include: evading, intercepting, redirecting, and catching. We will drill all of these and look at which counters work best.
- Don’t forget to register for the IBJJF Denver Open! We need more competitors! Registration deadline is April 13th.
Positive Self-Talk
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are probably right.”
Our self-image, and how we appear to others, is largely predicated on how we speak and think about ourselves. If all we do is talk about how we “can’t do things” or how we “aren’t good at things,” then we will never be able to do things, or do them well because of our own self-imposed limitations. When you impose limitations on yourself, and you identify with failure, then you will welcome failure. Conversely, if you identify with power and success, you will welcome success. Basically, how we speak of ourselves and the language we use, becomes our self-fulfilling prophecy.