January 12, 2020

Focus of the Week 01/13/2020

Carlos Espinosa

Focus of the Week 01/13/2020

BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | Kids

1.13.2020 – 1.19.2020




  • Drills: Push/pull stance drill, russian drill, arm drag drill, takedown, De la Riva to anaconda guard to 1 leg X-guard sweep
  • Takedown: Walking Renzo Hip Throw
  • Ground: Knee To Elbow Escape


Kickboxing – Boxing

This week in Kickboxing, we will be focusing on our punching! Looking at concepts such as hitting the body, speed vs power, and establishing a strong jab. Boxing opens up the rest of our weapons in Kickboxing, so we use it all the time!

Muay Thai – Clinch Basics

This week we will focus on “Zone 1” attacks and clinch work. As we all know, clinch and grappling on the inside is an entirely separate game from punching and kicking at longer range. We will go over the fundamentals of clinch and positioning, as well as the basic offense, defense, and throws from the clinch. Don’t forget to take off your jewelry and take our your piercings before class this week. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to bring a towel to dry off or a spare ranked shirt with you to class!

Kids – Respect

What does it mean? What does it mean to you?

Little Tigers

  • BJJ – Mount Escapes Trap and Roll

Tigers – White Belt

  • Standing – Side Clinch
  • Ground – Headlock Escapes Frame Escapes

Tigers – Advanced

  • Standing – Guard Pull to Hook Sweep
  • Ground – Knee on Belly Switching Sides over body and head


  • We have some big fights coming up shortly, where will you be watching them??

Thoughts – Cleanliness

Remember to wash all of your training gear after every session!


