April 30, 2009

Professor Marshall on his last UFC fight with Vinnie

Amal Easton

Professor Marshall on his last UFC fight with Vinnie

What’s up guys?  I’m just writing to let everybody know what’s going on with me and how things went down in Canada.  I had a crazy time getting to Canada. I had a crazy time getting to Canada.  My passport was expired so I had to get my new one expedited to me.  It was supposed to show up at Monday Feb 16 @ 11 am and I was scheduled to leave at 7am20Tues.  Well it didn’t show up so I called Fed ex and they informed me that they lost it.  I got a call about an hour later saying it would be at my house at 2am Tues and that I had to stay awake to sign for it.  So 2:30 rolled around and it wasn’t at my house.  I called them again and it was lost again.  I was on the phone with them until 5 am when they found it and said it would be at my house at 9am.  The UFC was aware of all of this so they rescheduled my flight and everything worked out.

Once I got to Canada the coolest thing to see was how Anderson Silva acted before a fight.  When you are there the UFC sets up a two training rooms for all the fighters.  Anderson and I shared the same room.  The first time I walked in mine he was in there teaching a private lesson three days before the fight.  It was really cool to see how relaxed he was and just going about his normal day.

Let’s get to the fight.  All week20Vinny and I were scheduled to be the 7th fight.  When we were getting loaded onto the buses to be taken to the arena they informed everybody that we would be the 1st fight.  What this meant was being scheduled to fight at 9:30 to fighting at 7:30.  This threw me for a loop for about an hour but I got myself together and mentally prepared.  My game plan was to keep the fight on the feet.  In the first round my movement was good and I was landing the better of the strikes.  I was executing the game plan so far, but I needed to attack more.  I tried to be more aggressive in the second round.  I could see all of the strikes he was throwing so I wasn’t worried about getting koed.  At the end of the second he got a takedown off one of my kicks.  I covered my guard when he tried to mount and then I stood up and started to attack right away.  In the final round I felt comfortable with my strikes so I was landing consistently.  By this time his face was very bloody from the punches I was landing.  Again at the end of the round I got taken down and that’s where the fight ended.

I feel I definitely won the fight, as did the judges.  It is very difficult to see the punches that land when you watch the fight on the internet.  Sorry guys.  After the fight I was happy that I won but only give myself a C+ for a grade.  I need to be more aggressive and finish with my strikes.  I was happy I executed a game plan that I have never tried to do before.  I didn’t fall back to my comfort zone.


Hey guys I am hosting a wing eating contest on May 23 at the Wicked Garden in Denver.  We are going to watch the UFC after the competition.  The contest is going to be Fighters vs Fans.  Some of the Fighters in attendance will be Nate Marquardt, Shane Carwin, Duane Ludwig, and myself.  There will be a $5 cover and all of the money is going to the American Cancer Society.  I hope everyone can come out and help support raising money to help cure a very dangerous disease.  The event starts at 6pm



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