September 16, 2019

September Easton Arvada Newsletter

Caroline O'Connell

September Easton Arvada Newsletter

Instructor of the Month: Coach Chris Wagner

When Coach Chris Wagner isn’t training as a Muay Thai fighter, he’s working as a crime fighter. As a deputy sheriff, Coach Chris works inside the jail facility directly with the inmates. As a Muay Thai fighter, he trains with others battling 8 limbs. As a Coach, Chris is dedicated, enthusiastic, and technical. The fight inside this man is admirable. If you attended the last Muay Thai Smoker, you’ve seen that. Additionally, he keeps a positive attitude at all times, and is incredibly nice to everyone. Due to these reasons, Coach Chris Wagner is the instructor of the month!

Schedule Changes

We are making some schedule changes in our kids program! In order to make sure we are serving our members as best we can with the space we have, we are changing the start times and rank requirements for a few of our kids classes. We believe that this new schedule best reflects our members needs and wants. Parents of students in the teens program should reach out to Professor Jeff directly to ensure their child is placed in the appropriate class. All changes will take effect on Monday, September 16th. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the front desk or contact Jeff at

In House Tournament

October is fast approaching meaning the In House tournament is coming up! This time we are splitting up the days that the kids and adults compete. The kids will compete on Saturday, October 5th, and the adults will compete on Sunday the 6th. This tournament is open to all those with two or more stripes on their white belts. If you are even remotely interested in competing, the In House is the tournament to start. You will be paired against someone from another Easton academy for a friendly and safe match. If you aren’t interested in competing but want to check it out, please stop by the Denver academy on either days and support your teammates. But for those interested, sign up online.

Fall Enrichment Program

Attention all 1-4 stripe white belts: do you ever feel lost while training? We have created an Enrichment program featuring a special curriculum to help you develop a cohesive system so that you don’t feel as lost! The program will begin on October 1st and end on December 31st. It will take place at Easton Arvada in small group privates of six people. We have a flyer with more information along with a sign up sheet at the front desk!

Halloween Ninja Night

It’s almost Halloween! Celebrate by bringing your child to our Halloween themed Ninja Night on October 19th! Drop them off at 6pm, and pick them up at 9pm. They will play games, eat pizza, and watch a movie! It is 20$ for one child, 30$ for a family, and nonmembers are free! We encourage them to wear their Halloween costumes! Be sure to sign them up online!

Pad Holding Seminar

Grab your gloves and wraps because we will be holding another pad holding seminar on October 26th from 2-4pm! Are you in kickboxing and want to evolve your game to Muay Thai? This seminar will be great for you! It teaches you how to hold pads correctly, and safely which will prepare you for Muay Thai! Already a pad holding master? Come show us your stuff, grow and learn with new partners! Sign up online today to ensure your spot!



Ready to test your skills?

Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21