It’s that time again!!
Easton Training Center is gearing up for its annual Summer BJJ In-House Tournament and Muay Thai Smoker. Lucky for you, they fall on the same weekend! Get ready for a weekend extravaganza of competition, and let your friends and teammates (literally) sweep you off your feet! Read on for details.
To Register for the Summer Smoker, speak with your Muay Thai coach.
To Register for the BJJ In-House Tournament, click the button below!
Easton BJJ Summer In-House
Join us for Easton Training Center’s annual Summer In-House where both beginner and seasoned students compete with fellow teammates across all of Easton Training Center.
When: Saturday, August 13
Where: Englewood High School, 3899 S. Logan Street, Englewood, CO 89113
Spectator Fee: $7
Athlete Registration Fees:
Early Bird $35 (Ends Friday, August 5)
Regular $40
Event Schedule:
Rules Meeting: 9:00 AM
Kids Tournament: 9:30 AM – 12:30PM
Adult Rules Meeting: 12:00 PM
Adult Competition: 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Muay Thai Summer Smoker
Muay Thai students compete with students from other Easton Training Center academies in our Summer Smoker. Join us to support your fellow teammates and training partners! Must be ranked Green Shirt and up to compete.
When: Sunday, August 14
Where: Englewood High School, 3899 S. Logan Street, Englewood, CO 89113
Spectator Fee: $7
Fighter Registration Fee: $40 *must be approved by Coach
Event Schedule:
Check In/Weigh Ins: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Rules Meeting: 11:30 AM
Wai Kru Demonstration: 12:00 PM
First matches immediately after
Easton Shirt Promotion at the conclusion of the event!