November 5, 2010

Easton students heading to NO GI Worlds!

Amal Easton

Easton students heading to NO GI Worlds!

Easton students heading to NO GI Worlds!

To my fellow Easton students:

The competition bug is going around at Easton BJJ. This time it leads us to NOGI Worlds in Long Beach, CA. We have an awesome group of students going out to compete this weekend: Matt Smith, Brad Nicolarsen, Vellore Caballero, Devin Rourke, Elizabeth Tran, Mary Hatcliff, Zane Tackett, and honourary Easton BJJ teammate Denilson Pimenta. As we prepare to depart and compete, we’ve all realized what a feat this is. Competition in general brings a load of nerves and anxiety, but competing on the world stage gives a whole new meaning to the word “butterflies in the stomach.” Fortunately, we have with us a talented group of people helping us prepare. We had some intense training, like 6 a.m. Red Rocks and Ruby Hill sprints with Tyrone Glover, and conditioning and drills with all of the Professors. We feel like we have such a solid base going into this weekend. We are excited to get out there and show our Easton BJJ skills. Even though we are fighting this weekend, we will be back on the mats on Monday — guaranteed! We thank everyone who has helped us this past month. It was not an easy task, but our Easton family was more than willing to help us with this crazy dream. There is SO much gratitude for everyone who had a role in our physical training and mental preparation. We could not be where we are today without you guys. Good luck to all my Easton teammates and thank you so much for all the support, advice, and drive that all of our Easton team has given us this past month. Now lets go do this!!!

If you are interested in competing at a local, national or world level, or you just want to experience the training a competitor goes through, talk to your head professor.

See you on the mat!

Mary Hatcliff


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Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21