July 3, 2012

Check Out the Easton BJJ Deal on Groupon

Amal Easton

Check Out the Easton BJJ Deal on Groupon


So we all know that guy (or girl). The one who you know would fit right in here, would enjoy it and benefit from training. They don’t like the gym they’re at or they’re not getting the results they want or whatever, but for some unfathomable reason, they refuse to come give your gym a try. You beg, you plead, yet they stand firm and keep going back to the gym they know and don’t like.

Hey, we understand. We’ve all been there. It’s frustrating. Well, we want to help. We put up a Groupon deal this week (today in fact), and it’s one hell of a deal. There’s three different tiers, and each one just gets successively better. Exponentially better, in fact. This really is a great time for you to try getting that friend here one more time. They’ll never get a price like this again.

The Three Groupon Deals:

  •  $29 for a one-month unlimited fitness membership (a $99 value)
  • $49 for a one-month unlimited fitness membership with unlimited boot-camp sessions (a $248 value)
  • $79 for a three-month unlimited fitness membership (a $297 value)

See? We told you they were some crazy deals! Why would you not at least try it? It’s too cheap to miss, is what we think we’re trying to say here. Your friend will get three months of the best fitness program in Denver, nay…Colorado, for less than they’re probably paying at their current gym for one month! (you can use that line to try and convince them.)

Seriously, having a training partner is awesome. And this could be just the tipping point to get someone who’s been wavering to finally get in here and train with you. Make sure you actually check out the Groupon itself for all the fine print.


Ready to test your skills?

Early Bird Registration

Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21