April 3, 2021

Beginner Tips for Jiu-Jitsu Competitions in 2021

Dalton Anderson

Beginner Tips for Jiu-Jitsu Competitions in 2021

Its officially Spring!  With that comes our lovely spring weather, snow storms, and warming temperatures as well as thoughts of competing!  With COVID restrictions starting to ease up in Colorado you may be more comfortable with the thought of competing.  We here at Easton highly encourage you to test your skills at a competitive level if that is something you wish to do and we are here to support you and get you prepared to take home the gold!  Here are a few things to expect if you plan on competing in Jiu-Jitsu in 2021.

Belt Requirements

For adults planning to compete, we do request you have at least three stripes on your white belt.  This is to ensure you have some experience with live rolling before you grapple in a competitive environment.  If you are a two-stripe white belt with previous grappling experience in either wrestling or judo, talk to your instructor. You may compete with your instructor’s approval!

Game Planning

Have a plan!  Now would be a good time to speak with your instructors about signing up for a private lesson or two. Your instructors may have experience competing and will help you prepare a game plan for how you would like your matches to go.  Private lessons are also a good opportunity to get some one-on-one training to tighten up any positions or submissions you have been working on. 

Training at Easton will already give you an advantage over the competition and we are here to support you and prepare you to compete to the best of your ability.  Stop by the front desk at your academy if you have any questions about competing or signing up for private lessons!

Ready to Get Started? 

Easton Training Center’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program has classes for students of every level. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned brown belt, you’ll find training at our academies to be fun and challenging. 

Our Fundamentals program teaches the essentials of offense and defense from the foundational positions. You’ll learn self-defense techniques for real life situations. From there, you’ll start to build your own game in live training, or Randori. In our advanced classes, you’ll learn the finer points of sport Jiu-Jitsu from the best instructors in Colorado. 

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Easton Open: Spring '25

Early Bird Pricing Ends: Feb 21