by Park Roberts
CrossFit is so much more to me than just a great workout. The most rewarding part of CrossFit is the mental strength and stamina I gain from every WOD I complete. Yes, there are other benefits. I’ve never been stronger than I am now. I have done more pull-ups in a row than I even thought was physically possible. Not only am I seeing higher PRs and faster times on the boards, I’ve also seen immense gains in the other sports I play and outdoor activities I enjoy. However, there is only one way that I continue to improve; through the mental strength I gain with each workout that allows me to push myself a little harder.
There comes a point after “3..2..1..GO!” that 99% of my thought process is “PAIN! PAIN!” and “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF?” My breathing is heavy and my muscles are burning; yet the other 1% is telling me to keep driving on. I know I must push myself to a point, mentally, that is a little further than the day before. There are only a few other experiences and activities in my life that have allowed me to do this. All of these things have made me the person I am today. CrossFit forces me out of my comfort zone and into this mental strength-building state. After I complete the last rep and lay collapsed on the floor trying to regain my strength, I know that I have succeeded in making myself stronger, both physically and mentally.
I have found that with this strengthened mental stamina I’m climbing just a little bit faster on my mountain bike and shredding just a little bit harder on the slopes. I find that the mundane things in life are just a little bit easier to complete. I know that I have become a more disciplined and driven person since I began CrossFit and being pushed on a daily basis. This is also one of the major contributing factors in my decision to pursue a career as a CrossFit trainer.
There is nothing like witnessing athletes push themselves to this uncomfortable, pain-staking, and dark place. The place where most everything inside of them is screaming “STOP!” yet they push on. The smile on each one of their faces as they put the equipment away and walk out of the gym is incredibly rewarding.
You will find your own reasons as to why you keep showing up. As you develop those, I encourage you to do one thing – push yourself 100% every day. Whatever your reasoning, with effort and persistence, you will see results in more than one aspect of your life. Stick with it. Give it your all. Learn to love burpees. 3..2..1..GO!