November 19, 2019

November 2019 Easton Arvada Member of the Month: Reese Trone

Caroline O'Connell

November 2019 Easton Arvada Member of the Month: Reese Trone

Some people love Jiu Jitsu so much that it inspires their family to try it! Reese has inspired her father and her little sister to start training Jiu Jitsu because of how much she enjoys it! Now most of her family shares a common bond. They take family class together every Saturday morning, and love to roll around at home!

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Reese is that she is always a good role model for the other kids, and for her sister. She always has a perfect attention stance, holds great eye contact, speaking loud and proud, with confidence. Reese is a warrior. She never cries in difficult situations on the mat, and she uses her Jiu Jitsu to get out from underneath mount or side control. By putting on her “tough face” and being calm and breathing, Reese overcomes any bumps and bruises she may get.

Her sister Grace is three years old and is enrolled in our Tiger Tots program while Reese is six and attends Little Tigers class. During the week they are in separate classes, but on Saturday they can all take class together. Watching their family laugh and grow on and off the mats is incredible.

Grace wouldn’t walk on the mats without her mother for a few classes. Now Grace is eager for class and can’t wait to take her shoes off! Matt, their father, attributes the confidence in his girls to their involvement in Jiu Jitsu. He states, “Both girls also have a higher level of confidence than most of their peers. I contribute a lot of that to the mat chats, emphasis on eye contact, good handshakes, etc.” We think this is especially important that young females gain the confidence they need to overcome difficult situations.

Reese’s advice for new students sums up who she is as a training partner. She states, “Always remember to try your hardest. If you go against a higher belt, you can try your hardest.  If they are a lower belt, then you need to sort of try hard, but not smoosh your partner and make them cry. It’s called being a Black Belt Partner and it serves to make sure that everyone will have fun.” Reese is always a Black Belt partner, and we look forward to seeing her wear a black belt one day.

Matt Trone touches on the aspect that at Easton you can attend various academies and get a feel for a lot of different coaches. He recommends trying out as many classes as you can. His advice for new students is: “Personally, I really enjoy going to different classes and being exposed to different coaches and professors. I would also recommend that you also get your kids involved at the same time if possible. Drop the soccer that gives out participation trophies! Last piece of advice, get your kids over to Ninja Night. It looks like a blast and Reese absolutely loves it.”

We love having the Trone family at Easton Arvada and are happy to be a part of their journey on and off the mats!

