April 4, 2016

Easton Runs the Bolder Boulder 10K

Sachi Ainge

Easton Runs the Bolder Boulder 10K

ETC Boulder is forming a training group to get ready for the BolderBOULDER 10K. This annual race through Boulder takes place on Memorial Day (Monday May 30th), and is one of the largest 10Ks in the world!
Everyone is welcome! Join us for weekly runs starting Saturday April 9th, and join the Facebook group for more tips and training programming.
To ensure that you’ll be assigned to a heat with your Easton friends, make sure to:
  1. Register between Monday 4/18 and Sunday 4/24 at bolderboulder.com.
  2. Under “Runner Type,” select “Running mile pace is close to 11:30 or less.”
  3. Under “Run With,” type “Easton Gym.”
Get a team shirt! We’ll be taking orders until April 22nd, and shirts will cost $25.


Ready to test your skills?

Easton Open: Spring '25

Register Before March 29th and Save!