Holiday Closure: All Easton Schools Closed Dec.14 & morning classes cancelled Dec.15


December 15, 2019

The Night Before Easton

Esteban Terrazas

The Night Before Easton

– Coach E

'Twas the night before Santa, 
when all through the school
Not a tiger was roaring,
no jumping jacks too;
The ornaments hung
by the tinsel with care, 
In hopes that Professor
soon would be there;
The tigers at home
snug in their beds,
While visions of triangles
danced in their heads;
and mamma in her 'kerchief,
and pop in his cap,
Had just settled their brains
for a cold Colorado nap,
When up above the mats
there arose such a clatter, 
ADT called Peter's phone
to ask what's the matter.  
Away in his Audi
he flew like a flash,
Tore open the academy
and checked out the mats.
When, what to his wondering
eyes should appear,
But the legends of Gracie
and Maeda all there,
With what looked so real,
so lively and quick,
Professor knew in a moment
it couldn't be it.
Then they spoke and asked Peter,
"do you want to roll? 
"of course," he stuttered,
cold from the snow.
They taught bjj secrets,
from long, long ago,
and mentioned,
"please share these
with all that you know."
With quickness and hurry,
they scattered about,
in a flash, there was no one
except for his doubt.
Had he really seen Gracie's
and those from the past, 
or was it all just a dream
that had came like a flash. 
Arriving back home,
parking his sled.  
Climbing the stairs
to get back into bed.
He turned off the candle,
exclaiming goodnight, 
thinking no one will believe,
what happened this night.
When all of a sudden,
he sprung to his feet.
"I believe in black belts,"
he was singing with glee,
Every Tiger can do it,
if they also believe. 
Then up to his rooftop
he climbed in the storm
to scream to the Tigers,
that this world is yours.
Happy holidays to all,
to all a good night.
I'm always your Professor,
you heard me just right,
Even after I tie a black belt
around your waist tight.

Happy Holidays Everyone -


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