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January 29, 2023

Rise and Grind: The Beauty of Morning Time

Jason Kramer

Rise and Grind: The Beauty of Morning Time

Mornings. They’re for everyone. Easton has AM classes beginning at six, and oftentimes people are on the mat even earlier to drill and train.

A morning training ritual offers some excellent reasons for picking its side, the foremost being that every day becomes a test. The first test asks you to rise and answer the alarm.

It’s important that every day we intentionally do something we may not want to do, like get up early, because each day will present us with things we won’t want to do anyways. If we choose to do these things willingly, we end up conditioning ourselves to do whatever is necessary. Martial arts is more than life on the mats. This discipline carries over to all parts of our lives.

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Why should you train in the AM?

Training in the morning is excellent because no matter what else happens for the rest of the day, we made time for practice. Lots of times we think we’re going to train after work, after we pick the kids up, after we make dinner, once the baby is settled or whatever it is, and we find that the evenings escape us.  If that’s happened to you more than once, then the mornings might be your best time to put some work in.

How we start our mornings can impact our entire day.  When we set up our morning with purpose and intentionality, the rest of the day follows the same way.  Getting in some movement early in the morning is one of the best ways to jump start your brain for the day’s challenges, and physical activity makes your brain work better.

You’ll remember things more and, chances are, you’ll leave the mat happy that you made time for yourself and your sport. Being happier makes us more productive and, well, happy. No rush hour shenanigans can bother you when you get off the mat like they do when you don’t train. Train in the morning and your whole day will be better.

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Setting up your day

A good night’s sleep is important and essential to your recovery, but if you prioritize your schedule and sleep, starting your morning with jiu jitsu or kickboxing can be a great way to propel your day.  Lots of people dread getting up in the morning.  These are usually the same people that binge watch a series until 2 AM and wonder why they’re tired at eight. Not to mention that if you start training in the AM, you’ll be ready for bed at a proper time to get up and get after it the next day.

For any of us with a lot of competing priorities like demanding jobs, spouses, children and a host of other obligations, the morning is a gift. It’s one of the best times to work on your jiu jitsu or striking without interruption.  No emails to respond to at 06:00.  Nobody is calling for you to pick up the kids. The spouse can’t task you with anything.  Nothing.  Only excuses exist before 6 am.

If you are one of the many people who want to train more consistently but struggle to make it to class, consider training in the morning. Dawn Patrol in Arvada is open by 05:30. Plenty of time to drill, roll and get moving.  See you on the mat!

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