It’s been perhaps our busiest month in history at Easton Training Center – Arvada, and we’ve got plenty to share for the month of December. We’re looking forward to an even bigger and better 2018!
Schedule Changes:
Firstly, starting in 2018, we will be making a couple of changes to our schedule to allow a little more flexibility for students to attend different classes. On the Jiu-Jitsu side of things, our Monday & Wednesday night Adv./Int. No-Gi & Fundamentals classes have swapped places, with No-Gi taking place at 6:00 p.m. and Fundamentals running at 7:00 p.m.
For our striking students, Monday & Wednesday nights have also been changed. All-Levels Muay Thai and Kickboxing have been swapped, with Muay Thai now starting at 6:00 p.m. on those nights with Kickboxing at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday kids classes will also see a slight change. Our Little Tigers Family class has been pushed back from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. to give our families a little more sleep. Due to popular demand, we’ve also added a Saturday Tigers Muay Thai class starting at 9:30 a.m., and have combined Advanced Tigers & Tigers into a 10:30 a.m.
Lastly, we’ve added a TEENS BJJ class on Monday & Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
We hope our schedule changes allow more schedule flexibility and chances for everyone to hit more classes. As always, please give us feedback via e-mail, social media or in person and let us know how these new changes are working!
Academy Wide Belt Promotion:
Our Jiu-Jitsu students had quite the busy month in regards to promotions. On December 11th at our Denver academy, the Easton community held a school wide belt ceremony, so we’ve got plenty of new colors on our mats! Our Arvada students receiving their blue belts were RJ Cantrell, Morgan Boggs and Mac McCarthy. Bumping up from Blue to Purple we had Roxana Safipour, Micah Henigman, Kyle Thornton & Jake Pepper. Joining the ranks at Brown Belt will be Andrew Kuykendall & Esmelin Espinal. And finally, make sure to address our beloved GM Black Belt Jeff Ake as Professor on the mats as he has accomplished the amazing goal of becoming a Black Belt. Congratulations to all of our friends and family, we are so proud and excited for the future for all of you!
Easton Winter Muay Thai Smoker
Another special congratulations goes out to Dan Furno, Whitney Branch, Tien Nguyen & Rachel Schaub! The four of them stepped up to compete in our annual Winter Muay Thai Smoker and all authored incredible performances full of heart, grit, determination and beautiful technique. It marked another step forward for out striking program and we are so excited as things go forward. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it out and support their teammates!
Coach Matt Wins at Kickdown 130
To start the month, Coach Matt took part in the Kickdown promotion’s 130th event, winning in 1:06 seconds of the very first round via TKO. Congrats coach!
Happy Holidays From ETC- Arvada!
We’d like to take the time to thank all of our students, family and friends that helped make 2017 the biggest and best year at our academy. We grew in mat space, size and students and couldn’t have done so without such an incredible community to draw from, so thank you again for being a part of our Easton family. We’d like to wish a very Happy Holidays and New Year to you and hope we can make it an even bigger 2018!