March 31, 2014

Focus of the Week ( 3/31/2014 )

Brian Carlsen

Focus of the Week ( 3/31/2014 )

Easton Academies

BJJ | Muay Thai | CrossFit | Fitness | Kids

3.31.2014 – 4.6.2014


back_attack_choke kb_punch cf_gym_grip

BJJ – Attacking


  • Dragging Rear Naked – The best fight is one that never happens.  Using the RNC ( a.k.a. the Lion Killer, a.k.a the Mata Leao ) you can safely and effectively neutralize an opponent without ever allowing them to get an offence going.  
  • Back Attacks – Mata Leao + Armbar – Combining attacks is one of the most effective ways to increase your finishing percentage.  We will combine a Choke and Armbar from the back, creating a combo your partner won’t be able to stop.


Black Belt

  • Knee On Stomach Bottom – Having somebody’s knee pushing on your stomach is never a good feeling.  This week we’ll be learning how to get out of this position quick.

Muay Thai – Creating Angles


  • We’ll be focusing on the basic theory behind why angle are important and how to create them, giving you the upper hand.


  • Creating angles isn’t an easy thing to do.  We’ll be focusing how to use our offense to distract our partner’s, giving us a head start, as well as using our defensive footwork to pull our partner out of position.  Dominic Cruz is one of the best this.

Kickboxing – Combos

CrossFit – Protecting Your Hands

  • CrossFit is all about staying healthy and being in the best shape possible.  Putting in all that work though can be rough on your skin.  Learn how to keep your hands protected so you can hit class everyday feeling strong!

Kids – Respect

Focus of the Month

  • Respect – Esteem for, or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality, or ability.
  • “If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.” – Abraham Lincoln
    Respect is a very difficult thing to gain, and an easy thing to lose, this is what makes it such a revered quality.  It can take years of respectable acts for somebody to respect you as a person, however one mistake can destroy that entire image.  You must consistently act in a proper manner to get respect, making it incredibly difficult to maintain, and only those who work at it are able to ingrain it in their personality.



  • Little Tigers – This month we’ll be working on Passing the Guard (Crazy Legs) and how to control Side Control (Crocodile Control).  The Crazy Legs game will teach your child  Agility, while Crocodile Control will teach them Balance.
  • Tigers – This month we will continue working on Double Leg Takedown to Back Take, and we will add in the Armbar From Mount.  Both of these movements are complex and require Focus and Coordination to execute properly.
  • Advanced Tigers – This month we will add in 2 Back Escapes, which require great Body Awareness to make work.  We will also be working on our Triangles, developing Core Strength.

Muay Thai

  • Punches with Kicks – We’ve been working on each sort of attack individually.  This week we will put our punches and kicks together into a smooth flow.  This will test your child’s Balance, Agility, and Focus.


  • Congratulations to all ETC competitors that fought at the Supercup tournament in Colorado Springs this weekend!  Thanks for always representing ETC with class…and congrats on all those medals!
  • Coach Brian Carlsen won the CBJJO Rio State Championships in Brazil last weekend!  You can view is fights here:  Fight 1 | Fight 2
  • Once a year  a group of martial artist converge upon the town of Greensboro, Alabama and build a house for one needy recipient. This year Professor Amal Easton and his family are participating to help build and cook. We are asked to raise money through our own martial arts community to help with the project, so even though you are not there, you can help by donating. Our goal is to raise $2000 between all the schools. There a a few ways to donate.

    1) You can buy raffle tickets for $1 each at the front desk
    2) You can submit a silent auction form to the front desk (for prizes like privates with Amal or Eliot), or
    3) You can donate directly to our GoFundMe site.
    If you have and further questions or for more details, see the fliers hanging around the school or ask the front desk or a coach.


If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!  This goes for both your body and your mind.  Take a couple of weeks off from training and it’ll take you a little while to find your rhythm when you return.  Fail to engage your mind on a regular basis, and you’ll actually lose your strength there too.  Make sure to continuously exercise your mind, and your body and you’ll never lose a step!  



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