Matthew Bloss muay thai

Matthew Bloss

Specialties: Muay Thai
Location: ,


Current Rank
Black Shirt

What year did you start training?

How did you get started?
I was always an avid fan of martial arts and sports like boxing and wrestling. While playing Junior A Hockey in Bozeman, MT, I fortuitously met a local boxing promoter who had seen me play and offered for me to come start training at his gym for free. I fell in love with the technical aspects of the sport within the first hour of training! 

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve encountered in your training, and how did you overcome it?
Coming in on the days where I feel like I don’t want to do anything at all. Realizing that you’re never upset at yourself for coming into train when you don’t feel like it. I’ve never walked out of the academy and said to myself “Man, I’m really mad that I came in and got some exercise and pushed myself!” That is a great lesson and reminder every time I feel like being super lazy for an extended amount of time.

What’s your favorite thing about training or teaching, and why?

The connection and trust that is built over time with our students who train regularly and experience a myriad of benefits. Seeing our students completely change their lifestyles for the healthier in a matter of years or even months is always humbling and rewarding.

What are your personal goals on and off the mat?
Help push Muay Thai into the olympics, and earn my Blue Belt In BJJ at some point in my life! Having my son Ren grow up within the community and on the Easton mats is something I hope he gets to have happen as well. What’s something people might be surprised to learn about you?
I am an avid bowler and follower of the PBA. If you ever want to go bowling, please let me know!