Daniel Steele jiu jitsu

Daniel Steele

Specialties: Jiu Jitsu


Current Rank

What year did you start training?
2012 ?

How did you get started?
Walk in

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve encountered in your training, and how did you overcome it?
My own ego and injuries. Just time on the mats and not rushing back after a fresh injury.. Taking time off to focus on things we ignore while devoting so much time to training.

What’s your favorite thing about training or teaching, and why?

Training; the clarity that my mind gets to, forgetting my daily problems and just being present.
Teaching; Sharing the knowledge that has been passed on to me, seeing a student become successful with a technique.

What are your personal goals on and off the mat?
On the mat; Black Belt, Instructor. Off the mat; continued personal growth.

What’s something people might be surprised to learn about you?
I love finances/stock trading and will talk your ear off about investing if allowed.