June 9, 2010

Women’s Empowering Experiences in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Amal Easton

Women’s Empowering Experiences in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Editor’s note: Easton BJJ student Jami talks about what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers to women.

The most obvious benefit of women training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is for self defense. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu provides a means of self defense against violent crime. Women are the most common victims of violence, whether its domestic abuse, mugging or rape. Women aren’t as physically strong as most men, that’s just a fact, however, Jiu Jitsu provides a means for helping to, if not even the odds, greatly increase women’s ability to confidently defend themselves.

Self defense is not the only benefit a woman can gain through practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu for women is important in that it gives a woman more confidence in herself and makes her less afraid to face everything, from attacks on the street to life decisions. It’s amazing how life’s big scary challenges can lose their intimidation after a good rolling session on the mats. Learning to be calm in high stress situations and more self confidence is a profound experience, one that transfers to real life situations.

The physical benefits for women who train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are amazing; clarity of mind, improved concentration, a better and intimate understanding of her body, strength and agility are just a few physical benefits. Stress can play havoc on a woman’s body; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the most effective stress relievers out there.

Sisterhood is very empowering in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; women have so much to offer in this sport. Training and learning Jiu Jitsu with other women is an amazing experience. Women learn differently from men, so women’s training together is a wonderful way to significantly elevate a woman’s knowledge and ability in the sport. The atmosphere when women get together to train is like nothing else, the energy in the room is so motivating that no matter the level everyone leaves feeling accomplished. Women learning and training Jiu Jitsu just makes sense. Add women training Jiu Jitsu together and you have a highly enjoyable and effective combination.


