August 22, 2019

Using Jiu Jitsu To Lose Weight: Levi Romero

Caroline O'Connell

Using Jiu Jitsu To Lose Weight: Levi Romero


May 2018
April 2018

At 300 pounds and 22 years old, Levi Romero wasn’t living his ideal life. He woke up every day hating the way that he looked, he didn’t look forward to going out in public, and he certainly didn’t like shopping. He lied on his license and said he was 285 lbs. because he didn’t want to see the number three. He was failing school. He hated seeing people that he hadn’t seen in years. He was complacent in a long-term relationship where his weight wasn’t an issue. But when that relationship ended, he got the opportunity to look in the mirror and be by himself, without the comfort of someone else. He realized he didn’t love the person he saw in the mirror. He realized he had to change. 


Change isn’t easy. Anyone who has ever lost a job, or a loved one knows this. It’s hard to break bad habits and begin healthy ones. It’s difficult to find love in oneself when it’s been missing for so long. Change isn’t easy. But when you see people come out the other side, completely changed, you begin to believe that change is possible and necessary. At times, Levi wanted to give up, wanted to give in and go back to his old ways. But he didn’t.

Overcoming Urges

But everyone struggles. Everyone has urges. But it’s how you handle them that define you. When asked how he overcomes his urges, Levi states that having the proper support systems helps a lot. For instance, Levi does the ketogenic diet, and his family and girlfriend also do the keto diet with him. His girlfriend also participates in intermittent fasting with him as well, since eating at night was historically his biggest weakness. Levi’s life has evolved from eating whatever he wanted to having a strict diet with himself. It’s about discipline, like everything in martial arts. He eats the same chicken and broccoli with a few almonds, blueberries and scrambled eggs, day in and day out. He has a set training schedule, and he believes that with good diet and exercise he can keep his weight loss journey going. 


It’s important to Levi to acknowledge the people that helped him along the way. He says that he would not be where he is today without the Easton community, and Professor Jeff. When he first started training, the support and encouragement he received from Professor Jeff and the other Easton members and staff helped him to get serious about establishing a new lifestyle and routine. He states that he is eternally grateful for Easton and Professor Jeff.


We are grateful for Levi. He is now 225 pounds. His dedication, discipline, and accountability is truly inspiring. He is a great part of our community, and we are so blessed not only to be a part of his Jiu Jitsu journey, but also his life journey. At Easton, students don’t just train here: they grow, learn, discover, and find themselves. We are so proud of Levi for making a change in his life and sticking to it! Congratulations Levi on your new life!



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